Why Guard Mark Taining?

Guard Mark Security is offering SIA security training and courses for people who are passionate and want to work as security guards in the private security industry. Persuading a career as a security guard is considered a good and high-paying job in the UK. An average security guard can easily earn up to the amount of £3000 per month working as a full-time security guard.

SIA Licence
SIA Licence

Guard Mark Security is fully committed to providing you with the training and essential skills to get the SIA licence. Once you pass your test, we’ll provide you the further assistance about filling out the form and getting your licence. From getting your licence to choosing the career and industry, we’re here to help you with all the things.

Compliance with Regulations
Compliance with Regulations

Guard Mark Security can be your one-stop shop for all your security needs and concerns. All of our trainers are highly experienced and knowledgeable. We take the private security industry regulations strictly and regulate them in the best possible manner to provide an exceptional experience.

Firm Employer
Firm Employer

Guard Mark Security is one of the top and leading security training companies all over the UK. We always ensure to provide the most advanced and current knowledge to all the persons enrolled for the course to get the SIA licence. This helps the new security guards to stay in the private security industry for a long time.

Career Booster
Career Booster

Guard Mark Security acts as a career booster in the private security industry and has helped multiple people pursue their careers successfully in it. Our bespoke courses contain all the knowledge one required to get the SIA licence. Our professional team is always available and happy to help with all the guidelines and advice you need to boost your career in this industry.

Guard Mark Training offers more and more specialized, quality-assured training courses all over the UK. Our classes are designed to meet the needs of people who work in the security industry.

Most Reliable and Leading SIA Training Courses Company Nation-wide

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