SIA Close Protection Training
Close protection security guards are commonly known as bodyguards usually used for the security of VIP persons. Becoming an SIA-licenced close protection security guard is a very rewarding and high-paying job. VIP guests, celebrities, and high net-worth people take their security very seriously which makes a good opportunity for the SIA close protection guards to earn high salaries.
The course duration is between 16 and 19 days and our professionals will cover all the skills and knowledge you need to know to pass the SIA exam to become an SIA-licenced close protection security guard. From risk assessment and incident management to route selection and venue security operations, we’ll cover all the essential elements in which close protection security guards should excel. After getting your licence, you’ll able to work with:
- Celebrities and VIP Guests
- Private and International Assignments
- High net-worth individuals and their families
- Residential Security
- And Many More
After getting your SIA licence for the close protection services, you’ll be able to earn £200 to £400 a day, which makes this job the best fit for those who want to earn a handsome amount of money a month.

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